• 1010

    At the end of January, news was abuzz regarding the stock market. Teenagers were discussing complex maneuvers of the stock market, such as shorting, while men in their 60’s were talking about the fate of a video game store named GameStop. Stories were circulated of common people making millions overnight, of hedge fund billionaires losing ...
  • 684

    As we are nearing one year since the emergence of the novel coronavirus, and more than 680,000 confirmed cases in Canada, there is much anticipation in the possibility of a vaccine that can allow the social lives of many to return to normal. In fact, the production and deployment of these vaccines has been the ...
  • 561

    As we approach one year since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, it is an opportune time to take stock and reflect on what has transpired since then. During this time, we have seen the complete failure of both the federal and provincial governments of Canada at managing the crisis. We have seen most people ...
  • 506

    In the beginning of this month, the world watched and awaited the conclusion of the US presidential elections. Record numbers of Americans spent the last few weeks – braving a pandemic and standing in immensely long lines – to get their votes in at the polling stations. With just under 150 million votes, and over ...
  • 689

    The Muslim Ummah is offended, and angered by the shameful drawings of our beloved Rasul’Allah (saw). We do not want to see them published and shared, and rightfully so. But is refusing to see these cartoons enough? No! We must also build anger towards these cartoons and, for the sake of Allah (swt) and on ...
  • 534

    The 5th of August marks the one-year anniversary of India’s revocation of Kashmir’s “special status.” India deployed its troops to annex the region and enforced a lockdown that has left many Kashmiris without access to phone and internet services. Despite the fact that thousands of students, activists, and politicians were arrested – with many still ...
  • islam-racism

    In the wake of George Floyd’s murder by a police officer, and the ensuing Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests, Muslims should ask themselves how Islam eradicates racism. Muslims are well-aware of the honour Islam bestowed on Bilal ibn Rabbah (ra), a freed black slave, one of the first converts to Islam, a Companion – or ...
  • islam-racism-george-floyd

    On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was arrested by police for allegedly trying to pass a counterfeit $20 bill. According to video footage, he was killed by a white police officer who put his knee on Floyd’s neck for 8 and a half minutes, keeping it on there even after he had passed out and ...