Author: admin
Between Hope and Despair: The High Cost of Living
Food prices have soared to their highest rates in almost half a century according to Statistics Canada, while average housing rent in Canada has surpassed its all-time high according to the latest national rent report from and Urbanation. It is not a surprise that the cost of living and housing affordability are key issues ... -
Don’t Let School Get in the Way of Learning!
InSeptember, post-Labor Day, millions of students resume or begin their academic year. This can be a time of great excitement, as it is a fresh start, and a chance to do things differently. It can also be a time of anxiety, due to the new environment and people, as well as the increased expectations Either ... -
Clear Victory for the People of Bangladesh
The past few months have been momentous in Bangladesh. What started at the beginning of July as a student protest with a relatively simple demand – an end to a quota for the children of those who died fighting in the 1971 war – turned into the death knell for Hasina’s decades long hold over ... -
Obligation of Providing Support for Muslims When They Need It
When our brothers and sisters are being openly slaughtered in places like Palestine, or being “shot on sight” by security forces in Bangladesh, we may feel overwhelmed with a sense of helplessness and despair at the prospects of stopping the horrific oppression and bloodshed. For example, we have witnessed many videos, of Muslims asking “Where ... -
Bangladesh: Islam Must be the Only Vision for Change
Since the start of July, the youth of Bangladesh have been taking a stand against the corrupt and oppressive regime of Sheikh Hasina. As of July 23, 2024, news outlets report that nearly 150 people – mostly demonstrators – have been killed by the regime. However, observers say that these numbers likely represent the floor ... -
Slaughter in Gaza
There is no need to describe the situation in Gaza. We have all seen and heard the stories of the tens of thousands of people killed, with a large proportion of them children. We know of the nearly 2 million displaced, with no place to call home. The names of Hind Rajab, Rafat al Areer, ... -
How Can the Ummah Help the Muslims of Palestine?
For the past few weeks, we have witnessed an unprecedented level of carnage leveled against our brothers and sisters in Gaza. According to Al-Jazeera, the Zionist entity claimed that it dropped 6,000 bombs weighing 4,000 tonnes on Gaza in the first six days of its bombing campaign. Marc Garlasco (former U.N. war crimes investigator in ... -
France Attacks Islam AGAIN: Lessons for Muslims in Canada
At the beginning of this month, as French schoolchildren were preparing to return for their classes, the French education minister announced that it would not longer be possible for anyone to wear an abaya in schools. The stated reason is to protect laïcité or secularism in French public schools. The minister indicated that no one ...