In January of this year, Hizb ut Tahrir Canada was set to hold its annual Khilafah Conference. It was planned to be a discussion around the obstacles delaying the return of the ...
The Muslims of Ontario can expect to be contacted or encouraged to vote in the upcoming weeks, as all parties are making rounds with promises of creating new jobs, along with lower ...
InSeptember, post-Labor Day, millions of students resume or begin their academic year. This can be a time of great excitement, as it is a fresh start, and a chance to do things ...
InSeptember, post-Labor Day, millions of students resume or begin their academic year. This can be a time of great excitement, as it is a fresh start, ...
At the beginning of this month, as French schoolchildren were preparing to return for their classes, the French education minister announced that it would not longer ...
As reported on the CBC, the “Ford government removed approximately 2,995 hectares of land from the Greenbelt in December [2022], while adding land elsewhere, to build ...
At public and Catholic schools across the country, throughout the month of June, Pride Month is being celebrated. Students of all ages are subjected to rainbow ...
Capitalist economies, including Canada’s, are experiencing the consequences of COVID-19 stimulus policies. These policies led to a massive influx of money created by central banks, causing ...
Last month, Canada’s spy agency, CSIS, produced classified intelligence documents indicating that the government of China had been coordinating a sophisticated plan to interfere with the ...
On May 17th of this year, Western University made an Instagram post to commemorate their “International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia”. The post included, amongst ...
After the government’s announcement in mid-January that it would require truckers returning to Canada by land to be vaccinated, the country has been thrown into a ...
On January 29, 2017, Alexandre Bissonnette shot and murdered six Muslims at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec City. The victims of the assault were brothers: ...
After the brutal attack on the Muslim community in Quebec City, Muslims understandably feel an added sense of duty to protect our places of worship. And ...
At the end of August, Justin Trudeau called for a snap federal election for September 20th. The rationale Trudeau expressed was, “Canadians need to choose how ...
On August 15th, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called a snap general federal election on September 20th. As with every federal election, the Muslim community in will ...
The Coalition Avenir Quebec (CAQ) won the provincial election in Quebec by a landslide, by emphasizing their commitment to lowering government spending, along with catering to ...
As Muslims gathered for the Eid al Adha salah in Hamilton’s largest masjid, they were greeted with a surprise. The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, ...
On February 5th, Isabelle Charest – Quebec’s newly appointed Minister for the Status of Women – spent her first press conference attacking the Hijab as a ...
Amid a renewed surge of attacks and threats against the Muslim community in Canada, Muslim families are on high alert. After the devastating attack on the ...