Islam’s Gold Standard of Economics Outshines Capitalism’s Fiat Fiction
With 2021 coming to a close, as Muslims we cannot help but notice the turmoil the current financial system of the world is currently ... -
Poisoning the Well: The Charade of COP26
Starting at the end of last month, leaders from all over the world met in Glasgow, Scotland for a 12-day Conference of the Parties ... -
How Do We Secure Ourselves?
It is our human instinct to look for security. Having a secure place to live, accessing stable work, growing wealth, and being surrounded by ... -
Resisting the Corrupt Rule of Man
A team of 600 journalists from over 150 news outlets have spent the last 2 years sorting through millions of documents revealing the financial ... -
Dilemmas of the Muslim student: Between Clubbing & the Qur’an
Muslims at University are faced with many problems, obstacles and challenges. Whether they are in their home cities or have moved, having left home ... -
Don’t Waste Your Vote on Kufr
At the end of August, Justin Trudeau called for a snap federal election for September 20th. The rationale Trudeau expressed was, “Canadians need to ... -
Does Islam Allow Us to Vote in the Secular System?
On August 15th, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called a snap general federal election on September 20th. As with every federal election, the Muslim community ... -
Unmasking Quebec’s Hijab Ban
The Coalition Avenir Quebec (CAQ) won the provincial election in Quebec by a landslide, by emphasizing their commitment to lowering government spending, along with ... -
Victory (Nas’r) and its Conditions
As a result of the increasing influence of non-Islamic ideas and not implementing the Laws of Allah (swt) at a societal level, many within ... -
Muslim Community: Showing Strength While Asking for Our Rights
As Muslims gathered for the Eid al Adha salah in Hamilton’s largest masjid, they were greeted with a surprise. The Prime Minister of Canada, ...