Assad’s Regime Has Fallen. By Allah’s Will Victory is Near

After more than 13 years of struggle and sacrifice, the Ummah in Syria finally dismantled the regime of the tyrant Bashar al-Assad on Sunday, December 8th.
The stunning turn of events in the Syrian uprising started on November 27th, when the Mujahideen began their decisive offensive on the ground. On November 29th, the Mujahideen liberated Aleppo, and then on December 5th, they freed the region of Hama from the regime forces. Just two days later, the Mujahideen entered Homs, and by December 8th, they liberated the capital, Damascus. Allahu Akbar! In just 12 days, Bashar al-Assad and his genocidal regime went from clutching onto power for over 13 years to complete collapse.
While our Ummah has seen great tragedies these past several years in Gaza and Palestine, Sudan, Kashmir, East Turkestan, and many other places in the Muslim World, it has also seen signs of hope. Earlier this year, the tyrant, Hasina, was driven out of Bangladesh, and in 2021, America was forced to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan. The Ummah is clearly awake and it is trying to shake off the chains of the tyrants and their Colonialist masters in America, Britain, and elsewhere!
The Ummah Rejects the Rulers
The sudden fall of the Assad regime makes one fact clear: the Ummah absolutely hates these puppet tyrants and regimes that are ruling her lands.
The day the Mujahideen showed some momentum, the whole Ummah in Syria rallied with them in great force. When word got out of the battles taking place in Aleppo, Hama, and Homs, the Ummah came out to the streets to chant “Allah hu Akbar!”
It was the Ummah’s drive that opened the pathway for the Mujahideen, to not only retake Aleppo and surrounding areas, but to enter Damascus and liberate Ash-Shaam from the Assad regime.
And while the Ummah’s uprising in Syria is a blessed one, as Rasul’Allah (SAW) said: “Behold, indeed the heart of the abode of the believers is Ash-Shaam” [Ahmed, Tabarani], it is not the only example of the Ummah heroic feats in rejecting the tyrants.
In August of this year, the Ummah in Bangladesh forced out the tyrant Hasina, even though she ruled the country with an iron fist for 15 years.
Prior to that, the Ummah in Afghanistan fought and sacrificed for the sake of Allah (SWT) for over 20 years, to drive out the American occupation from their lands. This was despite the hundreds of billions of dollars America spent in fueling its occupation. It ultimately lost to the Muslims who had only a fraction of the weapons and wealth, but the endless support of Allah (SWT). In fact, Allah (SWT) revealed to us in the Qu’ran about how those on the Haqq can defeat much larger and more powerful enemies. He (SWT) says:
“But those believers who were certain they would meet Allah reasoned, ‘How many times has a small force vanquished a mighty army by the Will of Allah! And Allah is always with the steadfast.’” [TMQ: 2:249].
Today, we are seeing the Ummah’s unrest and anger against the regimes all throughout our lands – from Africa to the Middle East to South Asia to East Asia. Mass protests and demonstrations are now more common in the Muslim lands than ever before. Discontent against the traitor regimes and the corrupt ruling systems is seen everywhere, ranging from social media platforms to student associations to the masajid and almost in every household. It is clear that these rulers need to be thrown into the dustbin of history, once and for all!
It is obvious now that Muslims all over the world want the regimes gone, and they will rally (like they had in Syria, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan) to expel the tyrants no matter the cost. The Ummah has shown that it supports those who bring real change, especially when that change promises rule of Islam!
No Power(s) Can Stop Allah (SWT)’s Plans
When the Ummah rose up in Syria, they were not just fighting against the Assad regime, but all the colonial powers, combined.
Initially, the Mujahideen fought off the regime’s forces. Next, they fought against Iran’s proxies from Lebanon and, a short time later, they fought the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and its militias.
When that could not stop the Ummah’s resolve, the Russians entered the picture and began bombing cities and hospitals in a brutal campaign to break the Ummah’s will. And then came Da’ish (ISIS) and along with it the direct military intervention of the colonial powers, led by America.
Together, all these forces surrounded the Mujahideen and the people of Ash-Shaam, striking them over and over again. They eventually pushed the Mujahideen out of key areas, like Damascus and Aleppo, and then isolated them to the north of the country. When the Colonialist powers thought the Ummah’s will was broken, they began the process of repairing the image of Assad and his regime. It was as if the uprising was no longer a concern.
Recall when, then-secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, stated in the start of Arab Spring: “There is a different leader in Syria now. Many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe (Assad’s)…a reformer”. More recently, the regime in Saudi Arabia restored ties with Assad, and then the so-called Arab League welcomed the Syrian regime back. Assad even went on a tour to Saudi Arabia, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates.
The world colluded together to bring Assad back into force, and they did it upon the blood of hundreds of thousands of Muslims. They planned, and they failed. That is because no matter how much they plan and try to maintain control of events, Allah (SWT) also plans and is the Master of all.
“And remember, O Prophet, when the disbelievers conspired to capture, kill, or exile you. They planned, but Allah also planned. And Allah is the best of planners.” [TMQ: 8:30]
Imagine: America and its tools (like Iran, Türkiye, and Saudi Arabia) spent over 12 years trying to keep Assad in power, yet it all fell apart in under 12 days!
This is proof that the victory of Allah (SWT) can happen very quickly, and it can take place when we least expect it. The Colonialists acted as though they won and could finally close the chapter on Syria, yet – by Allah (SWT)’s Will – the Ummah reversed years of work by the Colonialists in literally days.
The help of Allah (SWT) comes when the Ummah works to change its situation. Indeed, Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an:
“Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” [TMQ: 13:11]
Rasul’Allah (SAW) also pointed to this eternal truth revealed by Allah (SWT) to His servants. Namely, the support of Allah (SWT) is always guaranteed to those who strive on His path. Rasul’Allah (SAW) said in a hadeeth Qudusi: “Allah (SWT) said, ‘Whoever comes to Me walking, I will come to him running.’” [Muslim]
So, we must never fall into the traps of pessimism or hopelessness, as this contradicts the obligation to trust in Allah (SWT). The blessed uprising in Syria went from the brink of defeat to absolute victory in less than two weeks. It is a lesson that even though the Ummah seems to be surrounded now, what ultimately matters is for the Ummah to continue the fight trusting in Allah (SWT) to the fullest extent.
And this is not unique to Syria. Rather, this has been the reality of the Ummah since the time of Rasul’Allah (SAW). When Quraysh was leading all the Arabs to surround and besiege Madinah to exterminate the Muslims, Rasul’Allah (SAW) spoke of how the Ummah will conquer Persia, Iraq, and Ash-Shaam. Instead of fearing the enemy, Rasul’Allah (SAW) and the Sahaba (RA) used their most difficult moments to reflect on Wahy (Revelation), which was Allah (SWT)’s promise that they would one day conquer most of the known world. Indeed, after they forced Quraysh and the Arabs to retreat, the Sahaba (RA) conquered most of the known world as the Khilafah Rashida. Most of us were born into the light of Islam because of those conquests, and those conquests were rooted in a promise from Allah (SWT).
This shows us that when our trials reach the most difficult points, we must intensify our trust in Allah (SWT) and our hope in not only overcoming them, but in absolutely prevailing in this life for the sake of Allah (SWT) and nothing else. If we struggle for Islam, then Allah (SWT) will, without an atom of doubt, open a pathway for victory for us at a time and place of His choosing.
Uphold the Islamic Vision of the Uprising
The vision of the Uprising in Syria was not just about removing Assad, or dismantling his regime, or even liberating Ash-Shaam. No! It was about restoring Islam in this world as a complete way of life. It was about liberating the whole Ummah through the Khilafah. It was about reviving the Ummah’s voice in the world with the political, economic, and military might of the Khilafah. It was about making our Ummah the witness over mankind.
So, as we celebrate the fall of the Assad regime, we must not forget the vision that ignited and sustained the blessed uprising in As-Shaam. It was the Islamic vision, and the people who fought, suffered, and died for this uprising did so for the sake of Allah (SWT). This was their sacrifice for Haqq.
This sacrifice was not just for As-Shaam, but for every Muslim land. Therefore, every Muslim – from the west coast of Africa to the east coast of Indonesia – must rise and reject the regimes and call for the return of Islam. If they do so, then, inshaAllah, the victory will come very quickly.
We, the Muslims in Canada, can also play a role in this struggle. We can call upon sincere military officers, honest judges, visionary businesspeople, and other vocal influencers connected to the Muslim lands to learn, adopt, and carry the Islamic vision. Show the sincere influencers who love their Ummah that the Ummah wants real change and, more importantly, this change must start with restoring the Khilafah Rashidah in the Muslim lands.