Launch of the 2022 Rajab Campaign

Allah (swt) said:
And those who disbelieve are allies to one another, if you do not do so (i.e. become allies) there will be Fitnah (and oppression) on earth, and great (mischief and) corruption. (Surah Anfal: Verse 73)
Indeed, the words of Allah are ever true, for fitnah and oppression has spread far across the Earth.
Societies are dominated by calls of human rights but the blood of a Muslim is worth nothing whether in Egypt, Palestine or Chechnya.
Societies are dominated by calls of women’s right but Muslim women are being raped brutally in East Turkistan, Kashmir, Burma.
Societies are dominated by calls of mutual respect but our Prophet Muhammad (saws)’s character is dragged through the mud with no consequence.
While our enemies surround us from each side, the rulers of the holy lands are busy hosting lavish concerts and parties using the ummah’s wealth.
Submission to the Commands of Allah has been replaced with submission to the commands of Colonial nations.
My brothers and sisters, then what is the solution to these problems?
Our Prophet (saws) guides us with the following blessed guidance:
Only the Imam (Khalifa) is a shield, behind whom you fight and you protect yourself with.
O brothers and sisters of this noble Ummah!
In these darkest of times, only the return of the Khilafah will unite the Muslims under Islam and restore our honor.
Today marks the first day of Hizb ut Tahrir’s Rajab Campaign and we invite you to join this campaign to learn about the noble obligation of Khilafah
It was in the month of Rajab, that the Muslims’ shield was broken. It was in the month of Rajab when the Khilafah was destroyed. The Prophet (saws) promised the Muslims that the Khilafah would be restored.
This is our chance to find out how Islam practically deals with some of the most pressing issues of our time through the Khilafah.
This is our chance to fulfill the noble promise of the Prophet (saws) and be part of the revival of the Islamic system.
Will you answer the Prophet’s call to action?